That person you see above there, thats me. Hi, I'm Sanjay and welcome to my website!

Here is a small informal introduction of myself to help you place a personality to that face. I am a friendly, resourceful and ambitious third year computer science student. My current interests lie in software engineering, robotics and machine learning. I love to create things during my free time to demonstrate what I have learned either through courses or just browsing through the internet.

I understand that it is difficult to try to get to know me this way so I've gone ahead and taken the initiative to take a few BuzzFeed quizzes that reveal your personality based on TV shows; which we all know is just about as accurate as a professionally conducted personality evaluation

Incase you are looking for a more formal introduction to me which has nothing to do with BuzzFeed quizzes, here it is. Don't forget to check out my blog where I write about various topics and experiences that I've had!

  =>"Redmond WA"

  =>"SSN College of Engineering"

  =>"Computer Science and Engineering"

  =>"May 2021"

  =>["Software Engineering","Robotics","Reinforcement Learning","Hackathons"]

  =>latestWorkExperience = {
       company: "AIcrowd",
       role: "Technical Intern",
       startDate: "May 2020",
       endDate: "-"

